Monday, July 6, 2009

Big Brother!!

So finally I can say that I have been working on Big Brother for the last few weeks. It has been so much fun but hard to keep so many secrets. That show is INTENSE! I have never watched it before but it was so hard keeping the contestants identities completely secret with all the paparazzi and spoilers and bloggers licking up every bit of information they get. It is such a strange feeling to get to know these people so well and then send them off to the house and it feels like you are losing your little babies. I know that I won't work in this industry forever because it is just too much and I definitely want a family someday but I think it has been such an interesting experiment to see this industry from the inside out. If anything it has made me love film and tv even more (i know not possible)

In some other news...Penelope gets spayed on Wednesday. I am so worried about it! This is a pic of what I wake up to everyday. She is still sticking her tongue out non-stop. Love her!

Cuters I know. And another Nelly note is that she is finally 100% potty trained! I am so proud of my little pup and am looking forward to puppy school and dog parks and beaches in the near future.

Love hearing all your updates and I hope you are all enjoying your summer. Ps I recommend everyone see a film called Food Inc. Seriously great film making!