Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fun New Website!

I have been following, and contributing (but mostly following) this website for a few months and I LOVE IT! I think you might too. It is call Soul Pancake. The premise is this: since when is religion, philosophy, ethics etc. taboo??? It isn't. Lets make it cool again.

Before I give you the link, allow me to offer some advice to get the most out of it...

Do not go here to preach...go here to share and learn. It is a place for ALL ideas to have merit. On soul pancake, there is no right answer the goal is to see what everyone thinks and then make your own observations based on that- it is not a place to try to convince others of your ways. It's beauty lies in the open marketplace of ideas.

-Its not all religion- its art, beauty politics, entertainment, everything etc. For example- I don't deny that Lady Gaga makes art, its just not art that I like : )

Here is a question that I liked from today---

Why are we no longer the heroes of our own stories?

I'm not in movies. I don't have a three-novel contract with a major publishing house. Supermodels don't have me on speed-dial. Wikipedia doesn't have me listed. My name is never on the list—I always have to wait in line to get in. I look ordinary. I make enough money to get by. I am not a genius. I can't solve a Rubik's cube. And I'm luckiest when I work the hardest.

Go to soul pancake to read the rest...

Oh and here's the vid.

Happy Soul Pancaking!!!!