Monday, April 26, 2010

in your atmosphere

I feel as though my life is standing still and the rest of the world is whirling about me.

Faces move so fast they are blurred and unrecognizable.
Streaks of light fill my frame of vision, like flashes of what used to be.

Nothing is telling me to stay still. But nothing is calling me to move either. The choice is mine and I'm unsure.

Still I stay, blanketed in anonymity. If I can't see them, they can't see me.

My eyes saccade to glimpse words or people and I wonder if its a sign of something. Is this telling me to move? Or telling me to be still? Which path will be richer? More lush?

Which path will show me love? The kind of love where I love him as fiercely as he loves me. The kind of love the ebbs and flows as the sea but is as constant as the waves.

What if I choose wrong? What if I already tasted this love and gave it away? Will that be all for me? Is this the end or the beginning? They look so similar. Shall I stay until someone or something wills me to move? Or shall I move before I'm sure?

My Queen is exposed and my pawns have run amok yet the clock is ticking on my turn.

Then suddenly it all seems so clear. Blurred vision comes into focus and I am pulled back into the atmosphere. Living off hope and dreams that will not be wasted on my youth.

Check Mate.


Jamie said...

ali! did you write that?? it's beautiful!

Helena said...

This is why you are my very favorite writer. It's worth the wait between each post.

Unknown said...

Miss Ali ... I have to ask too, did you write that? It's amazing!

That is kind of what I am feeling today too - actually, in a big way! And I just accidentally popped over here (since you don't blog too much anymore.) :(

alibrough said...

Thanks Polly- I actually write a lot but don't post it very much. Lately I've been turned off by blogging. It used to be fun to keep in touch with friends, but now it seems like everyone is trying to turn their blog into a business or just random pics of their kids. I do still love yours though because it's unique! I also try not to blog because I feel I "should" only when I feel like it. Ya know!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

great post. great blog. the end :)

Melissa Henriksen said...

You are amazing! WOW!

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