Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anyone wanna house/dog sit??

I just wanted to throw an offer if anyone is interested in taking a trip to Los Angeles any time soon or currently lives here and wants to get away from a roommate for a while. August 5-11 I will be staying in a different house to work on Big Brother and my apartment will be open and free to use. The only have to dog sit too. But we all know how adorable and loving and easygoing miss Penny is! Basically feed, water, throw away potty pads, throw a ball, give her kisses, show her my picture every night and keep the door locked when you leave. I mean look at that face! Let me know if your interested!


Jodi said...

Ah! If I was able I would. You could send her out to me here and I would love her to bits.

alibrough said...

hahaha...i dont think she would like to be in a box in the back of a truck...but thanks!

Michelle Elkins AKA Mickey said...

I am so glad you have a blog!!!

Michelle Elkins AKA Mickey said...

Oh and if I wasn't living in crappy Florida and living closer to Cali I would so dog sit for you!

hudd and anna said...

yo ali. we've been crazy busy repatriating, but we may possibly be able to house/dog sit for you. we need to get togetha.